Health and Wellbeing Board

16 November 2022


Report of: Jamaila Hussain Corporate Director of Adults and Integration

Simon Bell Interim Place Director Health and Care Alliance


Better Care Fund Update:


1.           This paper provide a to the health and well-being board  in regard to the Better Care Fund (BCF). This report is part of a quarterly update requested by HWB board members and is a requirement of the BCF assurance process.


2.           Since the last update the BCF national team have asked that all regions send through a updated 22/23 planning document as well as an update on the nine mandated High Impact Change model (HICM) requirements. These ensure that as a system we continue to improve the way we meet the national metrics as well as ensuring better outcomes and good quality services that support the reduction on delays within hospital as well as supporting more people to return home with support rather than long term care.

3.           Data clearly shows that the longer people stay in hospital in particular those over 75yrs are more likely to require long term care.

Main/Key Issues to be Considered

4.           The BCF delivery group has completed an updated delivery plan and revised the metrics that are attached in appendix 1 and appendix 2.

5.           The regional team feel that the work the York system is doing has met the HICM change model and the plan has been put forward for ratification. As a BCF delivery board all partners agreed that we should have look to increase our targets  in particular supporting a reduction in length of stay (LoS), ambulatory care admissions and reablement.

6.           Partners are also working together to redesign some key services and look to bring in a seamless delivery pathway to responsive and preventative care. An intermediate care and reablement redesign subgroup is in place to start to develop this and a wider workshop is planned for mid November 2022 to ensure we have a wide representation of views and delivery options. An updated redesign model has also been shared with the informal Health and Social Care scrutiny committee.

7.           In addition to this we have now implemented a clear structure for partners to update on the effectiveness of individual schemes that support people, reduce delays, and maximise independence. The BCF will commence a systematic self-assessment of all the schemes that fall part of the BCF to ensure continuous improvement and options for redesign of schemes that may no longer be required. Updates will be provided to the HWBB as required.


8.           Partners have been fully involved in the development of the plan and subsequent data agreements. Details of the plan can be found in appedix1,2


9.           The HWBB are asked to note the report together with the update delivery of the HICM self-assessment.  



10.        HWBB are asked to consider the HICM self-assessment and updated metrics presented in the plan.  

Strategic/Operational Plans


11.        The BCF plan supports  the strategic and operational plans both ICS and draft HWBB strategy. The main aim of the BCF is for partners to support pooling of budgets to support early discharge, reduce the time people spend in hospital as well as support independence.


12.        This report is an update on previous BCF report and there are no significant implications.


Total Budget for the BCF is £20,922,470.

Human Resources (HR)



The BCF narrative plan ensure that inequalities are addressed with all the plans as well as ensure equality of access and delivery



Crime and Disorder


Information Technology (IT)

Digital care options are an integral part of the BCF going forward. We have a dedicated project lead to support this approach as well as supporting the delivery of a shared care record.





        Risk Management

13.        There are no known risks associated to the BCF, in terms of deliver of schemes. However, the environment is quite challenging at present and the BCF delivery group will continue to monitor the delivery of the 4 national metric targets. All partners are working closely together to support timely discharges, admission avoidance and reducing LoS for people in hospital,


The Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to:

i.     Note the contents of the report.

ii.    Note the information within the attached appendices.

Reason: To keep the board updated in relation to the Better Care Fund.


Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adults and Integration

City of York Council


Report Approved




Simon Bell

Interim Place Director

York Health and Care Partnership




Date: 07/11/2022



Wards Affected: 






For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers:




·        Annex A Copy of the DCF planning document.

·        Annex B York DCF HICM



HWBB:  Health and Wellbeing Board

ICS:       Integrated Care System

ICB:       Integrated Care Board

York H&C alliance York Health and Care Alliance